Model Submission Guidelines

Model Submission with groundplan

Updated: April 1, 2022

Very Simple Model Content Standard

Building and Bridge models in the BPDA's city model collection are managed in a geographical database that treats models as singular objects associated with attributes. In this context, models do not have any subdivisions such as Layers or nested groups. This makes the model collection simple to manage without much need for a detailed specification or normalization of model organization. Building models are traingulated mesh objects representing the exterior shell of the building.

Model Level of Detail

Here are some additional guidelines for model geometry level of detail:

Wavefront Object Format

Use your modeling tool to export a Wavefront Object (.OBJ) format model with the following properties:

Interoperability strategy accommodates interdisciplinary collaboration. Click to enlarge.

Context and Geo-Location

The BPDA has developed a tiling and coordinate referencing scheme that bridges between design tools and GIS. The BPDA uses this coordinate frame for exporting its detailed base models that will be convenient for situating your model. The Tile Grid and Coordinate System page provides the tile referencing grid in many popular 3D formats.


If it is possible for you to submit your model using our Metro Boston 3D coordinate referencing system, that would be preferred.


If it is not possible to export your model using the metro-3D coordinate system, please include a ground-plan reference image as shown in the illustration above. The groundplan should show enough of the edge of pavement in the context area to verify that the model is registered correctly.

Optional Source Material

Our archival system is capable of storing source material, including the plans and elevations and other information that may be part of the project proposal. We can also keep working models -- for example SketchUp or .3DS files. We are Sketchuip Users, so if you have a SketchUp file of your model this may be helpful in case we need to do any trouble-shooting.

On-Going Work In Progress

This submission procedure is a work in progress, so we anticipate problems and hope to work with the development community to make it as easy as possible to participate in building our collaborative open=-source city model!